This Website was created as a tool primarily as a mechanism for me to organize various aspects of my life. The site can also be used by family and friends for communication and informational purposes. The guide below describes the purpose of the different pages. Please note that all pages can be reached by clicking on the page title on the navigation links above▲.
Page 1 or the HOME PAGE is your current location. You will usually arrive here when you first enter the website. This page not only serves as an entry point for the website, but also provides an introduction into the basic layout and purpose for the website.
The PERSONAL Section of my website contains items that make up who I am. Here you will find information about my nursing career and aspects that relate to my profession. You will also find information concerning my Hopes, Dreams & Desires found under the goals section. Self-Improvement will include areas of my life where I have identified a need for improvement or in which I already had significant success. You will not find my failures detailed here. I will list Pet Peeves on this page just to give me an avenue for raving about things the drive me crazy. I have also included a section which I call “Nostalgia” simply for the inclusion of things that I longingly recall from memory or recent losses. You will also find my favorite charities listed on the Personal Page.
The “ABODE” link will take you to a page that deals with some of the dearest aspects of my life. Information related to my family and friends would be included on this page. An introduction to my genealogy and how to locate my Family Tree are also found here. This section provides a means of announcing various changes in our home life. Finally major alterations in our house or property can be found here.
The PHILOSOPHY Link will take you to a page that includes my thoughts, beliefs and values on a variety of topics: Inspiration, Politics and matters of spirituality. Inspiration will include role models whom I consider my mentors; those who have shaped my constitution and belief system. I will also post my own political philosophy and post my political views and probing questions related to local, state, national and international policy. There will also be a brief section detailing some of my spiritual beliefs, much of which has been listed on a separate website.
The MEDIA Link is how you reach the page where I describe my appreciation for a variety of printed and electronic media. Everything from published works to e-books and kindle. Not to mention recommended radio programs, & some of my favorite television shows. Motion Picture reviews and listings of my all time favorite movies are also found here.
Qualifying Statement: Please note that I don’t read and almost never watch television.
The LEISURE Link takes you to the section of the website that describe what I enjoy doing with the tiny amount time that is left over after doing all the other things listed on all the other pages. The first thing you will find included here are my find my tips for the best shopping experiences (including online products). You will also find everything related to food including recipes, cooking shows, cook ware, china, stem ware, restaurants, gourmet dining, and the history of food which is one of my favorite subjects. This page also details my travels. It is my goal to cover all 50 states in this lifetime and I am pushing the envelope. There is also space devoted to entertainment in this section which includes comments and highlights on noteworthy performances of in dance, music, ballet, opera and theater may also be found here.
The CELEBRATION page contains information about all types of parties, festivals, feast days and Holidays. This page is also the location of my annual Christmas Newsletter to Family and Friends.